Strengthen Your Horse From The Hoof Up

Healthy hooves are happy hooves. Whether you're aiming for daily maintenance, recovery from injury, or supporting an aging horse, Silver Lining Herbs' Feet & Bone Support is designed to promote overall hoof and bone health, enhancing your horse’s comfort and performance.

$73.97 USD

Strengthen Your Horse From The Hoof Up

Healthy hooves are happy hooves. Whether you're aiming for daily maintenance, recovery from injury, or supporting an aging horse, Silver Lining Herbs' Feet & Bone Support is designed to promote overall hoof and bone health, enhancing your horse’s comfort and performance.

$73.97 USD

Loved By Horses & Owners

    "I Love Feet & Bone"

    I've used this supplement for the past 1.5 years on my senior mare and I cannot say how much I love this product. At 22 years, my mare can keep up with the young horses in the roping arena and never takes a lame step. Silver Lining Herbs' Feet and Bone does a great job at helping your horse's body perform at their top level and I am proud to use this product with full faith in it's amazing benefits.

    - Eve S.

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    Why Feet & Bone Support?

    Horses’ hooves and bones are under constant stress, especially in challenging conditions such as hard surfaces, fluctuating temperatures, and insect-induced irritation. Thin hoof walls, cracked hooves, or weakened bones can lead to more severe issues like laminitis, navicular disease, or ringbone. That's why proactive hoof and bone care is essential.

    Feet & Bone Support is a natural herbal supplement formulated to strengthen hooves, support bone density, and provide overall joint stability. With its powerful blend of herbs, it’s a comprehensive solution for horses of all ages.

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    Herbs That Power Feet & Bone Support

    The efficacy of Feet & Bone Support comes from its carefully selected herbal ingredients. Each herb is included to offer maximum benefit for hooves, bones, and joints.

    Eleven specific natural ingredients have been blended to look at all aspects of the horse. A few of the key elements are boneset to increase blood flow, dandelion to strengthen bones, tendons, and ligaments, and white willow bark to support your horse's natural ability to reduce inflammation.

    Have Questions?

    Our team of experts are waiting to answer your questions.

    Ask them about symptoms, product questions/recommendations, or picky-eater suggestions! As horse owners and lovers ourselves, we're invested in your horse's health and will help guide you on the best proven protocols.

    Available M-F 8am-4pm MT

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    Feet & Bone Was made for these cases

    Feet & Bone Was Designed For:

    Preventative Care

    What are you doing to prevent your horse from coming up lame? 

    A recent poll by showed that 20% of horse owners have experienced one of their horses becoming lame due to a tendon or ligament injury.   Leg wraps and good footing are essential, but what about supporting your horse from the inside out? 

    Feet & Bone Support from Silver Lining Herbs is the next step to add additional support to prevent soft tissue injuries in your horses. Backed by 25+ years of being used by some of the most well-regarded professionals in the industry and over 80 5-star reviews, you can trust Feet & Bone Support for added protection from injury.

    How does it work? Eleven specific natural ingredients have been blended to look at all aspects of the horse. A few of the key elements are boneset to increase blood flow, dandelion to strengthen bones, tendons, and ligaments, and white willow bark to support your horse's natural ability to reduce inflammation.

    What are customers saying?

    • ”I give this to all my weanlings and up.” - Virginia
    • ”I cannot say how much I love this product…she never takes a lame step.” - Eve
    • ”Feet & Bone has made such a difference! I love this stuff!” - Rebekah

    Cracked & Brittle Hooves

    Cracked hooves are a common problem for horses and can be caused by many factors: 

    • Ground conditions: A change from wet or muddy conditions to dry environments can cause hooves to crack. 
    • Trauma: Hooves can crack under pressure from trauma or forces within the hoof. 
    • Farriery: Poor or neglected trimming and shoeing can cause hoof balance problems, leading to cracks. 
    • Nutrition: Poor nutrition or a lack of essential nutrients can weaken hooves and make them more likely to crack. 
    • Other factors: Hoof disease, coronary band defects, thin hoof walls, and dry or overly moist hooves can also cause cracks.

    What are customers saying? 

    • ”My [horse} can now walk across the gravel!” - Catherine
    • ”I cannot say how much I love this product…she never takes a lame step.” - Eve
    • ”Feet & Bone has made such a difference! I love this stuff!” - Rebekah

    Navicular Syndrome

    Navicular Syndrome is not what you want to hear as a horse owner. It's likely due to a combination of factors, including genetics, environment, and biomechanics: 

    • Genetics: Navicular syndrome is more common in certain breeds, such as quarter horses, thoroughbreds, and warmbloods. 
    • Environment: Poor hoof care, inadequate exercise, and poor nutrition can all contribute to navicular syndrome. 
    • Biomechanics: Horses with narrow, upright feet, small frogs, and contracted heels are more likely to be affected. Other biomechanical factors include poor conformation, excessive weight bearing on the front limbs, and inappropriate shoeing. Hoof trauma and anything that interferes with the blood supply to the navicular bone can also play a role. 
    • Other factors: Some propose that vascular changes in the hoof could cause navicular syndrome. 

    Navicular Syndrome can cause degeneration of the navicular bone's structures over time, leading to pain and lameness. Horses with navicular syndrome may display a distinctive shuffling gait.

    Kissing Spine

    Does your horse have back pain?  They may be dealing with Kissing spine. Kissing Spine is a condition that affects horses when the dorsal spinous processes (DSPs) of their vertebrae touch or overlap. These DSPs are thin bones that project upward from the vertebrae and are normally spaced apart. When they touch, it can cause pain and inflammation, reduce back mobility, and make it difficult for the horse to move. 

    Kissing spine is the most common cause of back pain in horses and can affect up to 40% of them. It's most common in Thoroughbreds and Warmbloods, but horses of any age can develop it. Symptoms of kissing spine include: 

    • Back pain: When pressure is applied to the spine or muscles around it 
    • Discomfort: When the saddle is placed on the horse's back, it may swish its tail and hold its ears back 
    • Behavioral changes: The horse may be reluctant to engage its hindquarters, have a shortened stride, or be resistant when ridden. It may also struggle to transition between paces, buck, rear, run away, kick out, or shy. Cantering can be a key indicator, as horses with kissing spine may have trouble picking up the correct lead or maintaining a three-beat canter. They may also be reluctant to roll or lie down.

    Tendon Injuries

    Seeing swelling or heat in your horse's legs? Horses can experience tendon injuries due to a variety of causes, including repetitive use, overwork, trauma, and ongoing stress. These injuries can happen gradually over time or suddenly, like when a horse falls. Tendon injuries can make it difficult and painful for horses to move around and put weight on their joints. 

    Signs of tendon damage include: 

    • Inflammation 
    • Heat 
    • Swelling 
    • Lameness 
    • Toes pointed up 
    • Painful and swollen limb 
    • Fetlock sinking at the walk

    Stone Bruises

    If your horse has a stone bruise, you already know how painful it is. Stone bruises are often caused by walking on rocky ground, gravel roads, or hard surfaces and are more common in horses with thin soles or flat feet. 

    Symptoms of a stone bruise include: 

    • Sudden lameness or limping on one foot 
    • Reluctance to bear weight on the affected foot 
    • Sensitivity to pressure or touch 
    • Discoloration of the sole, such as red or blue spots, which may not appear for several months 
    • Increased foot warmth 
    • Increased digital pulses through the digital arteries 

    The bruising can cause small vessels to rupture, which leads to a hematoma or blood pocket, that can cause inflammation and pain. If the bruise develops into lameness, the blood vessels can rupture and pool, putting more pressure on the hoof and increasing the risk of infection or abscess.

    Contracted Heels

    Contracted heels occur in horses when a horse's hoof narrows or shrinks, causing the heels to move closer together. This can put pressure on the hoof's inner structures, leading to pain, lameness, and long-term hoof damage. 

    Symptoms of contracted heels include: 

    • Visible narrowing of the bulbs, which are the soft, fleshy areas where the hoof wall, heel, and coronary band meet 
    • A skinny, upside-down "V" shape 
    • Compressed frog 
    • Frog shrinkage 
    • Heels growing inward towards the frog 

    Some causes of contracted heels include: 

    • Unbalanced feet or overgrown hooves 
    • Improper shoeing 
    • Irregular, incorrectly trimmed hooves 
    • Neglected hoof care 
    • High heels 
    • Lack of engagement of the back of the hoof 
    • Heels that are too low
    Feet & Bone Support for Horses - Silver Lining Herbs

    Take the First Step Toward Better Hoof & Bone Health Today

    Give your horse the support they need for healthy, strong hooves and bones. With Feet & Bone Support from Silver Lining Herbs, you’re not just treating the problem – you’re preventing it. Don’t wait until foot or bone issues arise. Start now to keep your horse comfortable and healthy at any age.

    Shop Now to see the difference Feet & Bone Support can make for your horse.

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