Say No to Dog and Horse Parasites With Our Dewormers — Here’s How

CATEGORY:Canine Blogs

Say No to Dog and Horse Parasites With Our Dewormers — Here’s How - Silver Lining Herbs

Parasites are opportunists. They live wherever they can — in water, pastures, manure, and other places where they can get into your horse’s system.

Of course, they’re not just a problem for horses — they can present problems for dogs, as well. When worms and parasites are given a chance, they’re shameless and will do everything in their power to get a foothold in our animals.

However, there are key herbs for horses and dogs that can give your animals an edge against parasitic intruders. We offer natural dewormers for both dogs and horses.

These dewormers are crafted to work with your animals’ systems to help create an environment where parasites can’t thrive. Here’s how you can help your animals stay ahead of parasites with a bit of help from the animal experts on our team.

5 Most Common Parasites in Horses

When it comes to horses, several parasites can cause problems for your equine companion. Some of the most common parasites include:

1. Large Strongyles: Also known as bloodworms, large strongyles are one of the most common parasites found in horses. These worms can cause severe damage to the horse's intestines and can lead to weight loss, colic, and even death if left untreated.

2. Small Strongyles: Small strongyles are another common parasite in horses and can cause similar symptoms to large strongyles. These worms can also develop resistance to certain dewormers, making them even more challenging to control.

3. Roundworms: Roundworms are another type of parasite that can infect horses, particularly young foals. These worms can cause poor growth, colic, and diarrhea, among other symptoms.

4. Tapeworms: Tapeworms are flat, segmented parasites that can cause colic and weight loss in horses. These worms are often transmitted through the ingestion of infected forage or water.

5. Bots: Bots are the larvae of botflies and can cause irritation and damage to the horse's stomach lining. These parasites are often seen in the late summer and fall months.

What Are the Symptoms of Parasites in Horses?

Now that you know the most common parasites in horses, it's important to be able to recognize the symptoms of a parasitic infection. Some common signs that your horse may have parasites include:

- Weight loss
- Poor coat condition
- Colic
- Diarrhea
- Potbelly
- Lack of appetite
- Lethargy
- Rubbing or biting at the tail
- Coughing

If you notice any of these symptoms in your horse, it's important to consult your veterinarian to determine the best course of treatment. Regular fecal testing and deworming are essential to keeping parasites at bay and protecting your horse's health.

5 Most Common Parasites in Dogs

Parasites are also a common problem for dogs, with several types of parasites that can affect your canine companion. Some of the most common parasites in dogs include:

1. Roundworms: Roundworms are one of the most common parasites found in dogs and can cause symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. These worms can also be transmitted to humans, making them a health concern for both pets and their owners.

2. Hookworms: Hookworms are another common parasite in dogs that can cause anemia, weight loss, and lethargy. These worms can be especially dangerous for puppies, as they can cause severe blood loss.

3. Tapeworms: Tapeworms are flat parasites that can cause itching around the anus and signs of weight loss in dogs. These worms are often transmitted through the ingestion of infected fleas.

4. Heartworms: Heartworms are a potentially deadly parasite that is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. These worms can cause serious heart and lung damage if left untreated.

5. Fleas and Ticks: While technically not worms, fleas and ticks are common parasites that can cause itching, skin irritation, and the transmission of diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

How Do Dogs Pick Up Parasites?

Dogs can pick up parasites in a variety of ways, depending on the type of parasite. Some common ways that dogs can become infected with parasites include:

- Ingesting contaminated food or water
- Coming into contact with infected feces or soil
- Being bitten by an infected mosquito or flea
- Eating infected prey animals
- Direct contact with other infected animals

To protect your dog from parasites, it's important to practice good hygiene, keep your dog on a regular deworming schedule, and make sure to consult with your veterinarian if you notice any signs of a parasitic infection.

When It’s Time for a Natural Dewormer

If you’ve noticed any signs that your animals may have worms, it may be time to start a deworming regimen. In horses, signs of parasites can include unexpected weight loss, dulled coat, tail rubbing, lethargy, and visible parasites in manure. 

In dogs, signs of parasites are similar. You may notice weight loss (or inability to gain weight) and visible parasites in stool.

Dogs may also develop diarrhea, a dulled coat, and loss of energy. The exact symptoms of parasite infection can depend on the parasite itself. Still, the bottom line is, if you notice odd changes in the behavior or appearance of any of your animals, it’s always worth taking a closer look. 

How Can Natural Horse Dewormers Make a Difference? 

Our Herbal Wormer is made with a proprietary blend of select plant-based ingredients. Every ingredient is chosen for its safety and effectiveness.

You can give these plant-based horse dewormers to your horses with confidence. 

How do they make a difference? Our specifically selected plants are known to help maintain your horse’s internal health and wellness.

The ingredients work together to create an environment where parasites aren’t able to thrive. Instead, when your horse is exposed to a parasite, the parasite simply moves through the system and is expelled — all without negatively impacting your horse’s overall wellness.

It’s as if the parasite was never there!

Why Choose a Natural Dog Dewormer? 

There are a lot of dog dewormers on the market. You may have held two different dewormers in your hands and found yourself unsure which to choose.

Some big-name dewormers come with serious and harsh side effects. Plus, some dewormers are ineffective at curbing worms. 

Our Herbal Wormer is different. Our natural dog dewormer isn’t just made to help eliminate worms and parasites from your dog’s system.

It’s also made to help maintain the overall health of your dog’s digestive and immune system. In short, our dog dewormers can help boost your canine’s natural body functions to help push parasites from their body.

Use our natural horse and dog dewormers as part of a routine wellness regimen — or as needed.

Find safe and effective dog and horse deworming supplements at

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