4 Best Herbs to Support Your Digestive System Naturally in 2022

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4 Best Herbs to Support Your Digestive System Naturally in 2022 - Silver Lining Herbs

Digestion is the number one googled health issue for people, so it should be the number one thing that YOU should be concerned about when it comes to your own health. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said, “All health begins in the gut”, and there is a science to back this up. What are you doing to support your own gut health?

The Standard American Diet does so much harm to the digestive system. So before trying to make any progress on healing our gut health, we should start by cutting out things that are causing harm. These things include refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, processed foods, certain dairy products, and alcohol.

Think of our gut lining as a fishnet. It’s supposed to let the little fish through but stop the bigger fish. Compare that to the digestive system letting the good nutrients in and blocking the bad when our gut is healthy. Contrary, with a poor diet of refined sugars, unhealthy oils, and other things mentioned above, not only are the good things being absorbed into the bloodstream but so are the bad things. This leads to auto-immune diseases, GI issues, acne, fatigue, bloating, and a host of other problems. Also, remember our emotional well-being affects our gut, too, so be mindful of your stressors.

4 Herbs That Support Your Digestive System in the Most Natural Way:


Did you know that ginger is great for reducing inflammation, improving leaky gut, and relieving nausea and loose stools? The use of ginger to alleviate stomach discomfort dates back to ancient times when herbalists used it as a natural remedy. Do you recall your mother or grandmother giving you a glass of ginger ale when you had an upset stomach? It's not just an old wives' tale- ginger really does work.



Licorice root is a powerful herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it an excellent natural remedy for healing stomach ulcers. In addition, licorice root can help control cortisol levels, which can be especially beneficial for individuals whose gastrointestinal issues stem from emotional stress that increases cortisol levels. This natural remedy is a safe and effective way to promote digestive health and overall well-being.



Slippery elm is a natural herb that is known for its soothing and healing properties. It is particularly beneficial for people experiencing gastrointestinal issues such as a dry or irritated digestive tract, constipation, and irregular bowel movements. Slippery elm contains mucilage, a gel-like substance that can help to coat and soothe the digestive tract, making it easier for food to pass through the system. Additionally, slippery elm can help to reduce inflammation and irritation in the gut, which can be very useful in treating a range of digestive issues.



Chamomile is a valuable herb that has been used for centuries for its various health benefits. It is particularly effective in relieving bloating and gas, and can soothe an upset stomach. Additionally, chamomile is well-known for its calming properties and can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. It is also a natural sedative, making it an excellent choice for those with difficulty sleeping. Overall, chamomile is an excellent herb to incorporate into your daily routine for both physical and mental well-being.

These four herbs are included in our Digestive Support. Taken on a daily basis, it is excellent for supporting the repair and maintenance of our digestive tract and gut.

Healing Takes Time

Because of our Standard American Diet, healing takes a long time. The saying goes, “as far as you walk into the woods, it takes that far to walk out of the woods.” Remember, while you’re trying to heal your gut and digestive tract, you must eliminate those triggering foods mentioned earlier, and take the herbs on a consistent and long-term basis. If we take care of ourselves daily, by making a more conscious effort to be more intentional in our decisions on lifestyle and diet, we can live a great life! We at Silver Lining Herbs are dedicated to helping you live this high-quality and intentional life to the end.

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